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21 Apr, 2024

Adrian Bird 3 Year Programme

2024-04-21T10:24:12+12:00April 21st, 2024|Adrian Bird 3 Year Programme, News|1 Comment

In August 2024 the Hamilton Bonsai Club starts an exciting 3 year bonsai development programme with one of New Zealands top bonsai professionals, Adrian Bird. Club members will develop either Black Pines or Maple trees throughout the 3 year course which has been designed to improve bonsai capability with these species.  More...

14 Feb, 2022

Club Meeting – Bonsai Survival 101 February 2022

2024-04-21T00:16:40+12:00February 14th, 2022|Club Activities|0 Comments

A good but windy first meeting of the year following our Summer break as the remains of cyclone Dovi passing overhead. It was nice to see three new members come for their first meeting. During the first part of the meeting Sandra talked about tree care 101 - watering, nutrient requirements, light and shade, diseases [...]

23 Dec, 2021

Annual Show – 18th and 19th December 2021

2021-12-23T14:10:00+13:00December 23rd, 2021|Club Activities|0 Comments

The club put on a very successful show over the weekend of the 18th and 19th with 460+ visitors coming in to enjoy the 128 trees on display and spend lots of money with our trader friends. Despite the timing of the show meaning that even though some trees were not able to be [...]

16 Aug, 2021

Club Workshop – Group Planting – August 2021

2021-08-16T14:09:30+12:00August 16th, 2021|Club Activities|0 Comments

Group plantings were the topic of a free weekend of workshops for club members. Over the weekend we saw groups being maintained, restyled and created from scratch. Small and large groups made up from a variety of species including Pseudolarix, Acer, Salix, Sophora, Thuja and Ligustrum. Several of our newer members created their first group [...]

9 Aug, 2021

Club Meeting – Root over Rock and Record Keeping – July 2021

2021-08-09T17:23:13+12:00August 9th, 2021|Club Activities|0 Comments

A fun two part afternoon with a large number of club members, including two brand new members and five from our current series of beginners classes. Peter M gave a demonstration on how to create a Root over Rock bonsai and threw down a challenge to all the club. Everyone is to take photographs of [...]

21 Jul, 2021

Club Workshop – Tony Bebb – July 2021

2021-07-21T16:52:01+12:00July 21st, 2021|Club Activities|0 Comments

Two great days with our favourite Aussie demonstrator. Tony brought his usual flair for helping us develop our trees in a fun and enjoyable way with plenty of laughs and some great improvements in our trees. Several of our newer members had their first experience of  this type of workshop and went away very [...]

21 Jul, 2021

Club Meeting – Structural Pruning and Workshop – July 2021

2021-07-21T16:29:27+12:00July 21st, 2021|Club Activities|0 Comments

With Covid-19 delaying our Australian guest, we reverted to Plan B and Peter M gave a talk around Structural Pruning - what, why, when and how - before we moved on to a general workshop with quite a number of trees being discussed with our newer members before they got the chop! [...]

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