21 Apr, 2024

Adrian Bird 3 Year Programme

2024-04-21T10:24:12+12:00April 21st, 2024|Adrian Bird 3 Year Programme, News|0 Comments

In August 2024 the Hamilton Bonsai Club starts an exciting 3 year bonsai development programme with one of New Zealands top bonsai professionals, Adrian Bird. Club members will develop either Black Pines or Maple trees throughout the 3 year course which has been designed to improve bonsai capability with these species.  More...

16 Apr, 2021

Autumn 2021 Beginners Classes

2021-04-16T16:25:37+12:00April 16th, 2021|News|0 Comments

A very successful series of 6 evenings where students were given a lot of information on the art of bonsai including general Bonsai information, how to care for bonsai, styling, pruning, wiring, and repotting. Each participant received their own tree, pot and wire and various techniques were explained and practiced over the sessions. Thank you [...]

22 Mar, 2021

Brendon Covich Workshop – March 2021

2021-03-22T12:40:36+13:00March 22nd, 2021|Club Activities, News|0 Comments

A great weekend of bonsai fun with club member Brendon Covich of Kinben Bonsai. Club members and Brendon worked on over 30 trees during the sunny weekend. As usual with these workshops, a number of trees fitted back into their owners cars much more easily than when they arrived! There were a variety of [...]

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