Tony Bebb Workshop Weekend
Hamilton Gardens Hamilton Gardens Road, Hamilton, WaikatoDetails TBA. To be held at the Hamilton Gardens Pavilion, Piwakawaka Room. Sign up form available in June.
Beginner’s Class – Intro to Bonsai
Week 1. Central Hamilton location
Beginners Class – Intro to Pruning
Week 2. Central Hamilton location
Club Meeting – Tanuki – Active Meeting
Melville Community Hall 84 Ōhaupō Road, Melville, Hamilton, WaikatoLet's revisit the demonstration Tanuki from 2023 and have a go yourself. Bring your own driftwood (dead wood) and tree to attach. More details to follow.
Beginners Class – Intro to Shaping
Week 3. Central Hamilton location
Club Workshop
Steve's Bonsai DojoTwo half-day workshops will be held at Steve's place (under the carport). $15 per person - max 6 people per workshop. Work on your trees guided by our senior club members Sandra and Steve. Session 1: 9am to 12:30pm Session 2: 1pm to 4:30pm Signup page will be open in July.
Beginners Class – Intro to Wiring
Week 4. Central Hamilton location
Beginners Class – Potting Up
Week 5. Central Hamilton location
Shohin Workshop
Two half-day workshops will be held at TBD. On either the 6th or 7th of September. $15 per person - max 6 people per workshop. Work on your smaller trees guided by our Shohin expert Sandra. Session 1: 9am to 12:30pm Session 2: 1pm to 4:30pm Signup page will be open in August.
Beginners Class – Final After Care
Week 6. Central Hamilton location