Club Meeting – Group Planting Focus

Melville Community Hall 84 Ōhaupō Road, Melville, Hamilton, Waikato

Group Planting Discussion Lead by Les and featuring several other club members, this meeting will focus on group plantings. Bring your notebook.


Happy World Bonsai Day! Event TBD, perhaps a Beginners Workshop following the 2025/1 class.

Club Meeting – Rhododendron & Azalea

Melville Community Hall 84 Ōhaupō Road, Melville, Hamilton, Waikato

Rhododendron & Azalea refresher Come along to learn about Rhododendron & Azalea bonsai. Don't forget to bring your mug and notebook.

Club Meeting – HBC AGM and B&B Sale

Melville Community Hall 84 Ōhaupō Road, Melville, Hamilton, Waikato

Hamilton Bonsai Club AGM will be held along with our big annual club Bring & Buy Sale. Note the change of date to the first Sunday in June.

Club Meeting – Tony Bebb Critique

Melville Community Hall 84 Ōhaupō Road, Melville, Hamilton, Waikato

Bring along a troublesome tree for an expert opinion on how improve and develop it into a better bonsai. Note the longer meeting time: 2pm - 5pm