Club Meeting – HBC Christmas Meeting
Melville Community Hall 84 Ōhaupō Road, Melville, Hamilton, WaikatoBring a decorated bonsai, mini bring and buy + festive games (friends & family welcome) Trevor from Arbonsai will be selling tools and accessories on the day: Each person please bring a secret Santa gift (approx. $10).
Club Meeting – NZ Natives as Bonsai & Selecting Nursery Stock
Melville Community Hall 84 Ōhaupō Road, Melville, Hamilton, WaikatoOur first club meeting for the year will cover: - NZ Native Trees as bonsai (Tōtara, Kōwhai, Corokia, Coprosma & Pōhutukawa). - What to look for when selecting nursery trees for bonsai. Bring a NZ Native bonsai to display or something developed from a great nursery find. Meeting at Melville community hall.
Intermediate Focus Group – Privet Repot
Steve's Bonsai DojoIntermediate Focus Group - Privet - Carving & Summer Prune & Repotting - Coastal Redwood maintenance Please contact Steve if you'd like to be part of the next Intermediate Focus Group
Club Workshop
Steve's Bonsai DojoTwo half-day workshops will be held at Steve's place (under the carport). $15 per person - max 6 people per workshop. Work on your trees guided by our senior club members Sandra and Steve. Session 1: 9am to 12:30pm Session 2: 1pm to 4:30pm Signup below:
Club Meeting – Clip & Grow Bonsai Shaping
Bring a tree for this hands-on active meeting focusing on the Clip & Grow technique for shaping bonsai.
Beginners Class – Intro to Bonsai
HBC ClassroomWeek 1: Introduction to Bonsai
Beginners Class – Intro to Pruning
HBC ClassroomWeek 2: Introduction to Pruning
Beginners Class – Intro to Shaping
HBC ClassroomWeek3: Introduction to Shaping
Repotting Workshop
Steve's Bonsai DojoTwo half-day workshops will be held at Steve's place (under the carport). $15 per person - max 6 people per workshop. Repot your tree guided by our senior club members Sandra and Steve. You must bring your own pots, trees, wire and mix. Session 1: 9am to 12:30pm Session 2: 1pm to 4:30pm Signup page [...]
Beginners Class – Intro to Wiring
HBC ClassroomWeek 4: introduction to Wiring