Club Meeting – AGM plus Buy and Sell
July 12, 2020 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Topic: AGM and Buy & Sell
The Bonsai Club AGM and Buy and Sell meeting will be held Sunday 12 July per usual at the St. Francis Church Hall, 92 Mansell Ave., Hillcrest. Starts 2:00 PM. If for any reason the upper carpark is full, don’t forget there is another carpark in front of the Church, just off the Morrinsville Road near the traffic circle. And I also remind you to remember the habit of bringing your own mug for coffee or tea, which will taste better than in the styrofoam cups and create less trash! A reminder that the cups and mugs, etc. that are in the kitchen belong to the Church and are off limits to us!
The AGM will be held first and shouldn’t take long. The Agenda and Financial report will be emailed prior to the meeting, please read both. And if you have any queries about the financial report there will be an opportunity bring it up at the meeting. AND IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADD ANYTHING TO THE AGENDA, PLEASE E-MAIL IT TO ME WELL BEFORE THE MEETING DATE. And PLEASE BRING BOTH WITH YOU TO THE AGM!!!
After the AGM and Tea Break: Bring and Buy or Sell:
If you have any Bonsai related items you would like to sell or trade bring them along; trees, cuttings, books, tools, pots etc.,etc. Numerous tarp covered tables will be set up to use (come early and help, some of you). Please be sure all items are clean and marked with price. Cash only, so bring some change- sellers and buyers both!
If you are hoping to go home with some treasures, bring along some means of transport- I will bring a few small boxes, but best you come prepared. And if selling, be prepared to take back home with you any items that do not find a new home.