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Topic: Pumice & Landscaping
Melody will talk about PUMICE as a material and how you can use it in relation to bonsai. She will show examples and demonstrate what can be done. Then it is up to you to unleash your inner genius.


  • Your own piece of pumice if you have one. If you do not have any some small pieces will be available for a $1 or 2.
  • Old clothes or apron
  • Safety glasses advisable (flying dust & chips)
  • Old bread board, chopping board or similar.
  • Hand Carving Items

Old woodworking chisels, screwdrivers (various sizes)
Sharpened Stick (Not too long)
Wire Brush
Small hammer
Basically whatever you’ve got that can gouge out your pumice or create texture.

NB Suggest you bring something to stop the pumice getting away on you whilst working on it. Suggest a low edging attached to your board (Screws easy to get out), shallow plastic tub or any other method you can think of.